Witnesses Filmed An Amazing Video of Triangle-Shaped UFO Flying Over Texas

On October 26th, 2015, at roughly 8:50 PM in Longview, Texas, a random group of witnesses captured amazing footage. They seen a triangular spaceship materialize out of nowhere, floating just above everyone’s heads.

After they picked up their phones, what seemed to be another triangular-shaped UFO appeared out of nowhere.

The first couple of minutes of the video are properly captured, as the witnesses try their hardest to maintain a careful eye on the UFOs, but the next couple of minutes are all the shaky, hazy found footage type of recording we’d expect from 2009. The ending, on the other hand, is fairly apparent, so it’s absolutely worth a look if you’re interested.

Many internet critics assume it was a UFO or a military drone like the TR-3B, but its massive size proves otherwise.

Many people have also mentioned how close this happened to the Cash-Landrum event. In case you didn’t know, the Cash-Landrum affair is one of history’s most well-documented instances of its kind.

It chronicles the story of Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and her seven-year-old grandson Colby, who were unfortunate enough to come upon a second encounter. They were on their way home to Dayton, Texas, when a massive diamond-shaped object struck their car with a peculiar light beam that melted the entire vehicle in less than a few seconds.

Following that, 23 military helicopters arrived. Cash, on the other hand, will be forever damaged by this, as she was supposedly diagnosed with radiation poisoning shortly after, something you cannot simply brush off.

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