Weird Alien-Like Creature filmed at waterfall in Iceland

A lot of discoveries are made by complete accident nowadays and that’s just a fact. For the most part, as much as we’d like to say that we plan for most of these, the truth is that random bystanders see just as many strange encounters with their own eyes as experts do.

Vigdis Howser Harðardóttir for example stumbled across an incredible encounter of his own as he was climbing over the edge of a cliff at the Dettifoss waterfall from Iceland.

As he was checking out the waterfall from a distance, he spotted this strange creature that seemingly dangles over the side of the cliff.

The creature is pitch black as you can see from the pictures and it’s popping up its head from behind the cliffside.

What’s interesting to mention here is the fact that this creature, whatever it may be, appears to be climbing over the edge rather easily which is no easy feat considering the fact that Vigdis himself wasn’t allowed to get any closer to the edge as he would have easily fallen off to his doom.

There were also no drones, birds, or plastic bags in the area meaning that whatever the site was that he uncovered here, nobody else had gotten to it beforehand.

What do you think this strange humanoid creature could be? Do you think it’s an alien or could it actually be native to the waterfall?

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