One of the world’s biggest mysteries has just become weirder, as what looks to be yet another precise replica of the Stonehenge has been discovered on Mars, of all places.
That’s right, one of Earth’s oldest and most intriguing structures, for which we have no idea who created it in the first place, now appears to exist on Mars as well.
It’s thought to have been an old astronomical observatory of some sort, and this simply adds to the evidence.
It is said to date back to 5,000 years ago as one of the numerous relics of an advanced ancient civilisation on Earth. It is also one of the most compelling proofs of the Ancient Astronaut Theory, which predicts that aliens visited Earth in ancient times to either reign over or guide humans.
This new building, on the other hand, remains as enigmatic as it was when it was first identified in one of NASA’s own Mars images.
Mister Enigma, a UFO hunter, noticed it a while back and has been preaching about it all over the internet, pushing others to look for more constructions like it all over the planet.
Scott C. Waring, one of our generation’s top virtual archaeologists, expressed his support for this notion on his blog, referencing the Rosetta spacecraft discovery earlier this spring.
In case you didn’t know, another set of three stony pillars was discovered on comet 67P, which Scott believes is linked to the first two.