In case you didn’t know already SpaceX has launched their very own secret spacecraft mission named Zuma back on January 7th, 2018 for the sake of essentially fighting off evil from space.
Although the media has reported that the Zuma Spacecraft had failed right off the ground many believe that this was all a lie made to essentially make people forget about it.
This has only been further proven by the mysterious flash that appeared on the night’s sky causing a ton of ground shaking over thousands of miles in Russia.
But that’s not all, as the US has also reported that their very own reconnaissance spy satellite by the name of NROL-47 will yet again be delayed before it can reach outer space.
The world is restless when it comes to sending tech into space as both China and India are trying their hardest to get approval over the rockets, they’ve planned to send to outer space already.
What’s interesting about the NROL-47 spacecraft is that it appears to have a symbol with the Knights Templars on it and the text “Mali Nunquam Prevalebunt” which essentially translates to “Evil Will Never Prevail”.
Experts believe that this is a sign that we are currently undergoing space fights with other alien races as we speak.
Linda Moulton Howe for example talked about how the ground shaking event might be a result of one such attack that was prevented by the NROL-47.