The Mysterious Melted Granite Steps In The Temple Of Hathor In Egypt – What Happened?

A melted staircase is found in Egypt’s Temple of Hathor. Is it erosion-petrified remains or an ancient concrete technology? NOTICE. The facts are true and there is no explanation for the melt of stone. The author provided an interesting example of the Hathor temple, Dendera, Egypt. It was about the different stages. The average traveller will not find anything unusual under their feet. Some people see strange things in the everyday and begin to ask questions to share them with others.

Pay close attention to the shape and placement of the steps. They commented in the comments that the steps had been completely destroyed by those who had travelled down and up for hundreds. However, there is a visible plaque on the steps that does not represent erosion.

It’s hard to imagine the fraying steps looking like this. The lower level has no plaque; everything has been wiped right where the foot stepped. You may also see a strangely hanging rock border. It would not have been without abrasion.

The eroded steps are visible as well as layers of petrified deposits (mostly from the same type of steps) below. It is made of granite, however! It is possible, but how?

Does it make sense that the liquid flowing down the staircase could wash away the stairs? It’s been there for many decades, considering the amount of sand it contains. How did it get on these same stairways? It was then topped off and laid down at the bottom. Not all at once but in layers. Did the process consist of a series?

This is a close up of the layers. It is evident that this was not built. The image that contains the most information. The same thing happened with the steps. It poured down and drained them. In the end, strata was formed.

Only deterioration is visible on these steps. Below are steps that show layers of erosion. Here, the influxes were decreased and the steps made easier to see. There is undisputed evidence that some composition was deposited on top of each other.

Is the acid still flowing Granite has a unique feature called acid resistance. This is something I have done before. The steps, or the fall, were formed from an artificial mixture imitating stone. Something flowed. The pseudo-granite plaster appears to have been used for all of the walls. As the liquid fell, it eroded any steps not yet petrified, leaving behind erosion products. The builders didn’t provide for something.

We have more evidence that concrete was used in the constructions of ancient Egyptian monuments. This is a fact that cannot be overlooked. Numerous similar facts have been collected.

It is now impossible to determine where the water came from. Though…

One version claims that it was flowing and explains how. A. Kushelev suggested the following hypothesis: The solution was concentrated in the Egyptian pyramids!

This was a complex construction that evaporated valuable components from the water. From the Nile’s water, or the bowels the earth.


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