In case you didn’t know already, the world is filled with ancient ruins which we still cannot explain to this very day.
These ruins go against everything that our forefathers told us about the world, and the moment we bring this up we are usually dismissed as “crazy” or “unrealistic” to begin with.
The fact of the matter is that ocean levels have changed a lot over the course of time as the tectonic plates underneath our planet have moved around, causing our planet’s oceans to effectively swallow up all of these ancient ruins up the whole.
In the following video, you’ll see a ton of fascinating discoveries that science still cannot explain to this very day.
Whether you’re talking ancient sunken pyramids or ruins which point to the fact that the ancient lost city of Atlantis is nearby, the fact of the matter is that mysteries keep on gathering to this very day and the answers are not coming anytime soon either.
The only constant we ever come across is the fact that the Ancient Astronaut theory is becoming more and more plausible as time moves on. Although most historians believe that this is untrue there is too much proof of it for this to not be the case.
Check the video below if you need to find out more about this, as there is a lot of proof backing it up, we just need to look closer to see it: