The Great Pyramid’s Mysterious Chamber May Actually Hold The Pharaoh’s ‘Meteorite Throne’

Ancient Egyptian culture enthusiasts have been very interested in the discovery of a large, previously unknown room beneath the Great Pyramid. Researchers have not been able to access the chamber due to practical difficulties. This is in order to find out what, if any, it contains.

According to researchers, the Great Pyramid could contain an iron-throne made from meteorites.

Many studies are being done to address this problem. However, academics have looked to ancient Egyptian religious scriptures as well as chroniclers to see what they might discover once they get to the tomb. One of the hypotheses is that the secret treasure inside the Great Pyramid is incredible — a throne fashioned from meteorites.

Giulio Madali, Director of the Department of Mathematics at Politecnico di Milano, deciphered and translated the Pyramid Texts. These documents contain a variety of religious inscriptions that were carved into the pyramid walls around 2400 BC. According to Magli, the famous throne of Pharaoh Khufu – or ‘Cheops’ – may be found in the subterranean room.i

Although the throne is thought to be iron, Magli points out that it would not be molten Iron, but meteoritic Iron, which is iron meteorites that have fallen from space and are referenced in the Texts.

It may sound unbelievable, but there is proof that Ancient Egyptians made beautiful and symbolic artifacts of iron from meteorites that fell from the sky. The metal compounds found in a meteorite that made Tutankhamun’s dagger were discovered in 2016. Modern scientists can easily recognize meteoric iron because of its high nickel content.

Magli was convinced by Pyramid writings that data pertaining to Egyptian king burials suggests that the meteoric iron crown might be concealed within the Great Pyramid. These scriptures state that the monarch must first travel through ‘gates to the sky’ to sit on his “throne of iron” before he can pass through to the next world via the stars of north.

Magli suggests that the Great Pyramid might have four shafts, which could signify the entrances to the sky. Therefore, an iron throne should be enshrined in the room.

Since no one has been inside the Great Pyramid’s secret room for thousands of years, it’s difficult to know if Magli is correct. But he does make a strong case for what may be hiding in the chamber’s mysteriously hidden room, and it’s possible he will be proven right very soon.


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