The Ancient Egyptian Lost City of Heraklion Discovered Underwater After 1,200 Years (video)

The lost city of Atlantis is anything but underrated, to say the least as it is commonly referred to as one of the most popular lost cities of all time. But, did you know that there is another lost city out there that is very similar to Atlantis?

It is known as Heraklion and as far as we know it is essentially one of the most interesting lost cities that we’ve ever read about, to say the least.

Unlike Atlantis though which is still lost to this very day through Heraklion appears to have been discovered near the Canopic Mouth of the Nile, around 20 miles northeast of Alexandria of all places.

Heraklion is an ancient Egyptian city that is believed to have been the most prosperous Egyptian city of all time. Herodotus reported on it around 1,500 years ago stating that it was the place where Helen of Troy and Paris met up and spend their days together.

Heraklion was commonly referred to as the Port of Great Wealth and everyone that lived in it is believed to have been extremely rich.

It was first discovered back in 2001 by Franck Goddio. Funny enough he wasn’t even trying to get to it in the first place, as he only really wanted to find the lost warships that Napoleon commanded over in 1798.

After 12 years of studying and analyzing the ruins though he was finally able to discern that this truly is the ancient lost city of Heraklion after all.


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