Supay, Known As The Alien God of Dead And Underworld, Also Ruler Of Demons According to Inca Beliefs

The Inca and Aymara cultures knew the Supay as the God of Death, as well as the mighty ruler of the Incan Underworld, Ukhu Pacha.

He was thought to have control over a race of demons and to be the Devil of the Incan and Aymara religions.

The Ukhu Pacha was the location where the worst men went once they died, and it is practically the Christian version of Hell.

Hanan Pacha and Kay Pacha are the other two kingdoms in Incan mythology, and they make up the three regions that are also mentioned in Christian mythology as earth and heaven.

During the Spanish crusades, when the Incans were being attacked, it was reported that the Incan priests nicknamed the Spaniards Supay, claiming that the Catholic Church had always been the Devil’s will.

They pleaded with the Spaniards not to murder them, but by referring to them as the Supay, they were effectively admitting the Spaniards as Devils incarnate on Earth.

Despite the fact that he is frequently described as an evil deity, most Incans worshiped him anyhow, adoring him in return for a safe afterlife journey.

Supay is known for guiding and protecting you as you go through the realms, so it’s understandable that they’d want to get along with him when the time comes.

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