We recently covered Kailash, an incredible and completely inexplicable ancient temple…
which stands silently within India, a temple carved from solid rock with such care… Such eyesight and accuracy is an accomplishment that we would struggle to replicate even now.
Clearly exhibiting an ancient, advanced technology that has almost certainly been lost throughout the millennia.
Could this temple represent evidence of a far older tribe of people?
A relic of a far more evolved civilization than that which academics will allow us to examine publicly in many present disciplines of study.
Another set of rock-cut features can be found in the Jehanabad region of India’s Barabar and Nagarjuna hills.
Six crudely cut caves etched into big stones that litter the surrounding slopes could be interpreted as clumsy and probably more modern attempts to recreate what can be found on the summit of the hill.
The Lomas Rishi cave, cut into a massive rock, is the only one in the area that exhibits a level of sophistication that truly boggles the imagination.
The only cave in the vicinity with a carefully cut entrance, as well as an interior that appears to have been sheltered from the elements and is perfectly kept in its original state.