This most recent discovery comes to us from WASHINGTON (PTI), as this NASA creation apparently came across this strange new bridge between India and Sri Lanka. What’s even stranger about it is the fact that it was actually mentioned already in ancient times in the Ramayana.
It was nicknamed “Adam’s Bridge” by many of the experts, as it is a 30km long bridge that appears to have been built by humans in ancient times.
The Sri Lankans have actually dated this back to 1,750,000 years ago as it appears to be amongst the oldest constructions man has ever worked on.
The Ramayana is amongst the oldest texts ever discovered, and since it does mention the existing bridge as the creation of the Gods this could actually tie into the fact that ancient deities did live amongst us in ancient times.
This area, according to the Ramayana, was originally led by a mythical goddess known as Rama. This being was invincible and nigh unstoppable, and throughout her part of the poem, it appears as though she is a benevolent being that also serves as the reincarnation of the supreme ruler of the universe as we know it.
Could this be enough to convince the masses of the fact that humanity was once ruled by an ancient race of deities? Only time will tell. In the meantime, we thank you for reading and we hope you learned something new today already.