Puma Punku, out of all the sites on the planet, is my favorite. It was probably built by extraterrestrials. Puma Punku is an old city that lies in the Bolivian forests.
Puma Punku’s huge stone blocks, which weigh more than 100 tons each, were carved with remarkable accuracy.
These huge stone blocks are extremely well-shaped and have great joints. It is not known what these megalithic megalithic constructions were used for.
The majority of the ancient megalithic monuments still stand, but everything at Puma Punku was demolished and scattered across a large area.
Scholars began to wonder what could have caused such huge structures.
Archaeologists found that the Pumapunku ruins were 15,000 year old. We don’t know the technology that was used in building these megalithic structures.
Many believe that it is impossible to explain how such structures could be created 15,000 year ago. You can also find perfectly holes drilled within rocks that only high-precision machines could create.
This combination of perfect straight angles and holes would create problems for builders today.
You can watch the video below to find out more about the mysterious Puma Punku.