New Hypothesis: UFOs Belong To Extraterrestrial Beings Coming From Venus Who Live In The Oceans

In the solar system, there are three planets in the “habitable zone.” Conditions on Mars and Venus are thought to be comparable to those on Earth.

Mars, according to scientists, has been livable for hundreds of millions of years, but not long enough for intelligent life to arise. Venus, on the other hand, has had surface water and livable circumstances for more than 3 billion years, and it may have been habitable as recently as 700 million years ago.

Astrobiologists have discovered revolutionary possible evidence of life in Venus’s higher clouds. This statement indicated the existence of phosphine, an uncommon and frequently toxic chemical commonly found in living creatures on Earth.

Venus is a planet that orbits the sun.


According to the idea, intelligent life first appeared on Venus before it did on Earth, and they had sufficient capability to traverse short distances inside the solar system.

As a result, groups of Venusians fled their home planet to investigate Earth.

For roughly three billion years, Venus was able to keep its temperature steady between a maximum of around 50 degrees Celsius and a minimum of about 20 degrees Celsius.

The difficulty was that the Earth was a frozen snowball at the time, thus their living circumstances were not ideal.

However, there was liquid water beneath the frozen covering of ocean water, and some of it was fairly warm in the region of geothermal springs. As a result, the Venusians developed technology and relocated to the oceans.

There was no animal life on Earth at the time, only microbes. Some scholars believe that these sophisticated and developed aliens have been watching the evolution of life on Earth for hundreds of millions of years.

We can only make educated guesses about their anatomy and why they did not emerge from the waters onto land as the Earth warmed. However, their technology has progressed through time, and they no longer require it.

They may also have a moral code that forbade them from interfering with the development of natural life on Earth.

A very little fraction of the ocean has been investigated, according to the National Oceanic Survey. Only 5% of the world’s seas have been studied and documented, particularly the water beneath the surface. The rest has mostly remained unexplored and unobserved by mankind.

This notion also explains why some of the UFO technology appear to be magical. It’s not magic; it’s just hundreds of millions of years of superior technology.

Interstellar travelers vanished civilizations, and time travelers make less sense than this notion. It explains why, despite their apparent presence on our (we believe) planet – flying and underwater vehicles with “magical” technologies – they are not in a haste to approach us.

For millions of years, the Venusians have resided on Earth. Long before humans arrived on the planet, they colonized it. Imagine what humans will be capable of in terms of technology in 700 million years, and you’ll have an idea of how advanced aliens-earthlings dwelling in the world’s waters are.

This idea also answers the question of why aliens are so concerned about humanity, warns them about the hazards of nuclear weapons, and occasionally conveys signals about the need to lower population and cease being so destructive to the planet on which they dwell.

People – received the planet as a result of natural evolution, according to science; but, if the Venusians received the globe before any life, much alone intelligent life, then they have the same rights to the Earth as indigenous Earthlings.

And what humans do with the planet cannot be neutral, for it is our shared home, and when someone destroys it, he is also killing the habitat and home of extraterrestrial colonists for whom the Earth has become a true home, as their home planet has long since ceased to be suited for life.

This idea can also explain who and why – at various times throughout human history – people were aided in their growth. Who taught them agriculture and assisted them in acquiring the fundamental technologies necessary for the advancement of human civilization? Legends abound, and there are recorded records claiming that the “Gods” originated on Venus.

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