Mysterious Levitating Stones Were Filmed Near a Crystal Mine

Board Camp Crystal Mine, a tiny quartz crystal mine in Arkansas, has several stones that seemed to levitate. At least, that’s what a camera caught on film.

The mine was opened in 2008, and quartz mining has continued since then till 2012. Orville Murphy is the proprietor. Strange things began to happen there in 2017.

Strange lights, unexplained shadows, and even UFOs were spotted by Orville Murphy and his crew of laborers.

Murphy ultimately chose to put a camera that was not very high above the ground. Murphy was utterly perplexed by what the camera captured.

A stone landed on the ground, and a brilliant light flashed from above shortly after. The camera couldn’t take it because the illumination was too harsh.

Murphy sought explanations from ufologists. They arrived at the cave and thoroughly examined everything.

Murphy is a devout Catholic who was terrified of being mocked by his family and neighbors for his beliefs that the mine was haunted by ghosts or extraterrestrials.


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