Maybe Human Civilization Is Not The First Civilization On This Planet! Have You Ever Heard Of The Silurian Hypothesis?

Scientists are continually debating the Silurian theory, or whether an industrial civilization existed in the past that perished as a result of global warming caused by their actions on the planet.

The Silurian Hypothesis (Silurian Hypothesis) is a theory that

“The Silurians would be a scientifically advanced humanoid reptile-like those who came before man on Earth.”

They have prompted Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and astrophysicist Adam Frank of the University of Rochester to sketch an interesting idea.

The Silurian theory proposes that a non-human civilization has existed on Earth for millions of years, capable of modifying the earth to the point of inflicting a climatic change comparable to – if not larger than – that created by mankind.

The theory is not contradictory. This concept was based on research into the “Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum,” a dramatic climatic shift that occurred 56 million years ago at the end of the Paleocene and the start of the Eocene.

The average temperature of the Earth at that time was 15 degrees greater than it is now. On the whole earth’s surface, there was almost no ice, and the weather at the poles was almost tropical.

The irony is that studies reveal that carbon emissions rose dramatically in past centuries, equivalent to what would be predicted in the Anthropocene, the geological epoch that will follow the present one, the Holocene, as a result of human activity’s global influence on the environment.

“Do these occurrences point to a non-human industrial civilization?” In an essay published this week in The Atlantic, Frank poses the question.

While this increase in carbon emissions in the Paleocene may have been caused by the burning of fossil coal, as it is now, there are significant timing discrepancies.

What would have happened over hundreds of thousands of years in the past, but is now released in a century? Scientists, on the other hand, draw attention to a point.

It’s also feasible that no evidence of that long-gone society was ever discovered. Most fossils that have been discovered date back thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, not millions.

It’s very feasible that the potential industries and buildings from that era are now nothing more than dust.

“It would be easy to overlook an industrial civilization that existed for barely 100,000 years, a period 500 times longer than ours,” Frank argues.

“To locate evidence of such a brief occurrence in ancient sediments, new and specialized detection technologies may be required.”

“In other words, if you’re not looking for it specifically, you might not discover it.” “Perhaps the most tangible outcome of our research is that recognition.”

When humanity’s actions have such a significant impact on the planet’s sustainability, it does not seem unreasonable to believe that it may become extinct as a result of climate change.

And that it’s possible that something similar has happened to another culture. What are your thoughts about it? Please leave a remark below.

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