Even though it may be difficult to believe, what you’re about to read is not the fantasy of a deranged adolescent, but true truths.
The High Council had dispatched valiant Thor to Earth to intercede on behalf of the cosmic society. He finally made his way to the United States, where he stayed for three years. The individual who confessed was Dr. Frank Stranges, author of “Stranger at the Pentagon,” and it is owing to him that he now has this crucial knowledge.
Valiant talked about a slew of other interplanetary contactees he encountered and interacted with on his voyage. He said that when he landed on Earth, he was given a gift, some sort of technical device.
“Selected by Extraterrestrials: My Life in the Top Secret World of UFOs,” by William Mills Tompkins, has all of this material and more.
Also, have a look at this video for more details.