Experts Reveal That 82 Alien Species Are In Contact With Earth (video)

According to several researchers and conspirators, there are approximately 82 documented extraterrestrial races who have developed overt or indirect communication with us.

Proof, such as declassified records, photographs, and videos, is all over the place. Normally, as we look for any sort of evidence linked to extraterrestrial existence, we do this through three key channels.

The first is linked to abductees and contactees, as well as observers of the UFO phenomena. The second emerges from informants who could involve retired government officers or military members. The third is linked to loads and loads of unclassified top-secret papers.

Paul Hellyer (former Canadian Minister of Defence) is one of the most prominent informants, and according to him, there are 82 extraterrestrial races who have met us over the years.

We have been visited and visited for millennia by several races and cultures. We don’t know who they are, or what they expect us to do.

Today, Air Force officers are highly curious regarding the UFO phenomena, but owing to government confidentiality, more citizens prefer to think that these objects are all nonsense.

I inform you that Christopher Mellon, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Security, recently reported the presence of aliens and UFOs on Earth during a Fox News interview. Authorities can’t mask the facts any longer.

There are certainly certain items that have no explanation at all.

VIDEO 1 – The Book of Alien Races


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