Dragon’s Triangle is a Now-Defunct Underwater Extraterrestrial Base

If you appreciate the story of the Bermuda Triangle, you’ll adore the story of the Dragon’s Triangle because the two are, to say the least, very similar.

You can discover it yourself about 60 miles south of Tokyo, but we wouldn’t advocate going fishing near it because thousands of people have gone missing there already.

For example, in the 13th century AD, while attempting to seize the coasts of Japan, the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan suffered a crushing loss before even attacking the land, having lost over a thousand ships and 40,000 men to the sea.

This incident was documented because it was one of Kublai Khan’s first losses and, more crucially, it dealt a severe damage to his strong fleet.

Many accounts of weather changes were also reported here, which led the Japanese to assume that a Celestial Wind was to blame for the Mongolians’ submergence.

Some think that this is the location of the ancient Lost City of Atlantis, as its curse still applies to this day, and anyone who ventures close to it will be drawn to the bottom of the ocean as well.

Others think that this is the location of a dragon, which is why it is known as the Dragon’s Triangle. Some, on the other hand, are certain that an underwater extraterrestrial base exists here. What are your thoughts?

Another mythology that lends credence to this hypothesis is the story of Utsuro-Bune. The first narrative dates back to 1803 when two unusual tales began to circulate in Japan. According to legend, Japanese sailors came across a hollow ship floating aimlessly in the Pacific.

The ship’s glass windows were round in shape. Naturally, the men dragged the ship to shore, where they were astounded to discover a stunning woman seated inside, clutching a chest.

The woman, who was pale and red-haired, spoke a weird language and wore equally bizarre clothing. Unable to establish meaningful discussion, the traveler made a hand motion spanning the sea, leaving the sailors speechless as she returned to her ship and sailed away.

Utsuro-Bune, as she was dubbed, would go on to make visits throughout Japan’s entire coast the following year. Nobody knows who she was or where she came from, although there are many theories about her otherworldly beginnings.

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