The Mittani Empire is one of history’s most enigmatic civilizations. However, the University of Tubingen recently announced the discovery of a 3.400-year-old palace belonging to this dynasty by a consortium of German and Turkish archaeologists.
According to Hasan Ahmed Qasim, this is one of the most significant archaeological findings, as well as testimony of the German-Turkish expedition’s success.
This discovery could aid researchers in learning more about this strange and fascinating ancient society.
The Mittani Empire is one of the Ancient Near East’s lesser-known civilizations. The Tigris River’s receding floods revealed the ruins of ancient civilization to experts last year.
The crew was able to save ten cuneiform clay tablets. They also discovered the remains of painted walls. Murals were common in Ancient Times, but discovering one in such pristine shape is quite an accomplishment.
Let us hope that the tablets will disclose further facts about this fascinating Empire that once ruled the Near East. Please feel free to share your comments or opinions with us after watching the movie below.