Max Wisshak recently made a new discovery that completely shocked everyone to their very core right below the entrance to the Lechuguilla Cave.
The locals refer to this as the “sister cave” and although you can find it off of the backcountry of the Carlsbad Caverns National Park from New Mexico nobody saw this coming to say the least.
It was originally discovered in 1993 but because of how strange it appeared to be nobody actually wanted to enter it in the first place.
Since no one had entered it before and since it was apparently isolated from the rest of the world it was most likely poisonous too so for the longest of times now people have been avoiding it like the plague, to say the least.
Recently however Wisshak decided to give in to his curiosity as he prepared a trip over to the cave. Inside he uncovered what appeared to be a massive pool with a very distinct cyan-blue hue to it.
He claimed later on that the strange color of it is actually nothing more than an optical illusion as past that it’s actually clear.
It appears to be around 2 feet long and several inches deep and as far as they can tell it hasn’t been touched by humans in well over 100 years or so.
The microorganisms inside suggest the fact that it dates back to thousands of years ago but this is still debatable.