Ancient Alien Bodies Are Missing From the Archaeological Site in Malta – A Cover Up

An insane haul was discovered in the small European country of Malta in 1902. There, what seemed to be alien bodies had been discovered, but because it was such an incredibly damning discovery, the authorities have kept it hidden for more than 100 years now.

That’s why you’ve never heard of the alien bodies discovered in Malta.

An ancient burial was discovered after a couple of employees working for a real estate company came across it while digging a nearby site.

The room where all the discoveries were made was later referred to as the Oracle Room, and inside it, many statues of great women were uncovered. There was even a statue in the middle of the room depicting a sleeping woman.

It all dates back to 5,000 years ago, making this the oldest burial sanctuary ever known. Inside it, the team uncovered more than 7,000 remnants believed to be aliens all along.

The skulls of each of these ancient creatures were elongated, and not only that, but they also had abnormally developed temporal partitions, a lack of fossa, a lack of cranial knitting lines, drill holes, and even a swollen occipital.

The first researchers to confirm the discovery of this site were Dr. Anton Misfud and Dr. Charles Savona Ventura.


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