Marine archaeologists uncovered the remains in the Gulf of Cambay, off the western coast of India. Using sonar scanning equipment, which sends a beam of sound waves down to the ocean’s depths, they uncovered gigantic geometrical patterns.
The huge site, which spanned five miles long and two miles wide, was supposed to precede the earliest known remains in the subcontinent by more than 5,000 years, but this has been disputed.
Their discovery was made by chance during Graham Hancock’s program ‘Underworld — Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age.’ “The end of the great Ice Age shaped the planet we live in today,” the phony archaeologist asserted.
As the ice caps melted and sea levels increased 400 feet, a massive amount of water rushed into the lake.
“Floods engulfed the world’s best coastline lands, and all traces of the humans who lived there perished beneath the waves.
“Could hundreds of flood myths from all across the world have been inspired by this massive flooding?”
Mr. Hancock went on to explain why he thought the find in India could be linked to the Ice Age, despite the fact that his work has never been published in an academic journal.
“New evidence from the ocean floor in India is proving the story to be true,” he claimed.
“This is the Gulf of Cambay in northwest India, where scientists working on pollution studies made an amazing accident discovery in late 2001.
“They discovered remnants of an ancient metropolis covering a wide region of the seabed 25 miles from the coast, at a depth of 120 feet.
“The find threatened to debunk what archaeologists thought they knew about the origins of civilization.”
Mr Hancock went on to describe what he thought they had retrieved from the sea.
“They discovered a city the size of Manhattan with gigantic walls and plazas,” he continued.
“And man-made artifacts from the drowned cities have returned carbon dates as old as 9,500 years — 5,000 years older than any other metropolis unearthed by archaeologists everywhere.
“It suggests we’re dealing with a civilization that vanished at the end of the Ice Age, perhaps even one of the flood-era civilizations mentioned in flood myths.”
The carbon dating of site debris, which included construction materials, ceramics, wall parts, beads, sculpture, and human bones, was controversial.
Dredging was used to recover artifacts at the site rather than a supervised archaeological excavation, according to one main concern. As a result, some scholars believe that these artifacts cannot be clearly linked to a site, especially since the Gulf of Mexico is connected to numerous rivers.
As a result, numerous notable archaeologists dismissed a piece of wood discovered and dated to 7500BC as having no bearing on the site’s dating. Dr. D.P. Agrawal, chairman of the Paleoclimate Group and founder of Carbon-14 testing facilities in India, said in a Frontline Magazine story that the piece was dated twice, at different laboratories.
The National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) assigned a 7190 BC date, while the Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleobotany (BSIP) assigned a 7545-7490 BC date. Dr. Agrawal said that finding an ancient piece of wood does not imply the discovery of an ancient civilization.
Given that the Arabian Sea was 100 meters lower than it is now 20,000 years ago, and that the slow sea-level rise submerged entire forests, he reasoned that the wood fragment is a common find. Most people believe the divers merely discovered a big stockpile of ancient relics scattered over the area.