“An Ancient Extraterrestrial Civilization Took Over Our Planet on July 29, 1203 BC”

The UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena are not recent or a few decades old occurrences; these weird happenings have occurred for thousands of years, and Egypt is one of the sites where they have occurred.

A temple scribe and minister wrote the first description of the incident, which conveys astonishment, dread, and bewilderment. The second narrative recalls a conference between the scribes and priests of Horus’ and Osiris’ temples, where they discussed the incident.

The clerics’ gathering raised concerns about the socio-religious implications of the apparition of two celestial lights seen by many Egyptians (the territory over which the flight of these UFOs was observed was approximately 700 km).

The evaluation of what occurred was based on Egypt’s established religious beliefs. This anomaly’s physical properties and detrimental effects were assessed.

These accounts have been meticulously documented in writing on stone slabs. Many times, the kidnapping and mutilation of victims are described. On the list, there are 48 records of the incident.

Egyptologists refer to two limestone slabs as Ostraca.

Archaeologists unearthed these two ancient writings (reports) among the remains of Oyast between 1890 and 1920 during the Ramesside excavation (Thebes).

In the hieratic script, they were written (the hieratic script is one of the forms of Egyptian writing that is used to write Egyptian texts).

Official archeology neglected the facts contained in the records because the material offended them, potentially causing unnecessary societal conflicts for science.

They are unknown to the general public due to their content, and it is said among official archaeologists that they do not deserve attention because they describe well-known priestly practices of the time.

John Greenewald, the director of The Black Vault website, presented an official statement by Egyptologist expert Edward McBride outlining the discovery and the information contained in these ancient books.

This article will serve as a translation of your scientific study as well as your website’s perspective on the subject. Details about the publishing are as follows:

“This report, divisive as it may be, is dedicated to all Egyptologists past and present who have spent many hours, years, and even entire lives ensuring that ancient Egypt never truly perished and continues to inspire future generations of explorers in a variety of ways.

The dedication of people like Yaroslav Cherny, Alan H. Gardiner, Adolph Erman, EA Wallis Budge, and others, whose ability to unravel the complexities historical and linguistic of Egypt helps to know its history, has brought the unique culture and daily lives of these early inhabitants along the Nile closer. Thank you to the Griffith Institute and the Ashmolean Museum for allowing us to use the plates associated with the priests’ reports (Hieratic Ostraca Volume I)


I’ve spent a lot of time studying hieratic writing, and these two instances of ancient writing stand out because they represent a really rare incident.

I used all available resources to correctly determine the date of this event: 1203 BC.

This period is determined by the information available on the scribes: one of them is linked to Seti II’s reign, while the other is linked to Ramses III’s reign shortly after.

Egyptologists dismiss these two accounts of the strange incident since they are classified as “Magical” in the Hieratic Ostraca Volume I Index, where they are described as a description of the sky based on ancient Egyptian beliefs.

In actuality, they tell us what happened at the time, and we “see” it through the eyes of a variety of people who lacked the technological expertise to define what they observed and write how they may subsequently interpret it:

“In the form of a human, animal, or anthropomorphic creature, the Demon God manifests himself in the sky.”

According to those who knew what transpired at the time, this was the only feasible explanation.

During excavations at Thebes (Oyast) between 1890 and 1920, both slabs with the specified narratives of the ancient priests were discovered.

During Ramessid-era excavations in Oyasta, a city that served not only as a palace for Egypt’s kings, but also as an administrative center with courts and a temple to Egypt’s dominant religion, a plethora of remarkable objects were uncovered. Amun-Ra, Amun-Ra, Amun-Ra, Amun- (Amon-Re).

English, French, and German archaeologists competed in the not-too-distant past (1800-1900, early 20th century), spurred no less by nationalistic enthusiasm to become their countries’ primary source of Egyptology.

However, there was a lot of collaboration and information sharing between these disparate groups of scholars.

Despite the fact that the Egyptian government was aware of everything that was going on (in fact, there was uncontrolled looting and export of archaeological finds abroad), the hieratic artifacts were considered to be of little value, despite the fact that the Museum of El Cairo has many examples of hieratic writing.

Many items were irreversibly lost when they were moved to places with humid weather (limestone slabs were damaged), such as England.

The slabs collapsed and turned moldy due to faulty storage, and what had been preserved under the sand for thousands of years was gone in months.

To combat the ravages of time, two famous Egyptologists, Alan Gardiner and Yaroslav Cherny, decided to produce a book depicting these old Egyptian handicrafts in the 1950s.

In 1957, Charles Baty printed “Hieratic Ostraca Vol. I” for the Griffith Institute at University Press in the United Kingdom.

This is a big book (15′′ x 20′′) that contains 337 pieces of the ostration – professionally and qualitatively reproduced reproductions (prints) of the original plates.

Meyer, the engineer, built duplicates. Most of the substance of ancient writings would be lost forever if not for this complicated and time-consuming effort that necessitates complete attention.

“Ostraca I” is currently thought to be lost. During the Second World War, he died in the bombing of the Leipzig Museum.

The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England, houses “Ostraca II” today.

Vol. 1 of Hieratic Ostraca I don’t provide translations; instead, it’s a blank copy that allows future generations to decipher the inscriptions for themselves.

The original names of all the cities and provinces listed in this article may be found here.

Currently, Arabic names are used (original Egyptian names have been modified by European historians and linguists from the 18th century to the present, and only represent the late Ptolemaic (Greek) period).

The report mentions cities and disasters caused by this event, however, not all cities are listed for brevity and to avoid confusion.

The following are the report’s major cities:

Oyast is the meeting point of the “two lands.” The area around Amun Ra’s massive temple, which was dedicated to the ruling god Kam-T. Oyast, was also a city of ships and archives.

Anna was a significant northern settlement located north of modern-day Cairo. Anna was previously the capital of Kam-Ti and the residence of the sun deity Ra. The new capital was moved to Oyast when the administration changed.

Tartes: a northern city in the delta (between 31/31 and 30/32 degrees), subsequently known as Tanis by the Greeks, situated near the Sma Behut region. Sma Beshut is a puddle.

There’s also the Sma-Behut area near Leb (Edfu), albeit the southern half of Sma-Behut doesn’t appear to be swampy like the delta, and it could have been near Hennu, a red granite quarry, and limestone.

The date of the flood will be determined by the mention of floods and deaths in Tart: July 29.

Floods are more likely in an area near Aat Ab or the city of Zeb than on a road north of Tettu; in any case, the abnormality spread throughout the region.


The temples of Omon-Ra are dedicated to Ra, the sun god Annu (of Syrian origin), who is a part of Omon, the major god of Uasta, who became Amon-Ra, thereby uniting the two religions.

Omon-Ra dominated Anna and the northern cities, as well as Uasta and the south, with vast temple complexes. The influence of Nubia, Kush, and Syria spread to surrounding countries.

Amon-Ra had effectively eclipsed all other religions; daily tributes and sacrifices to their temples included livestock, wine, cereals, beer, food, and poultry.

Minor religions continued to exist; Osiris (Asar), Isis (Ost), and Horus (Heru) are named in this report and are needed to illustrate the scribe’s point of view. Osiris (Asar), Isis (Ost), and Horus (Heru) are listed in this report and are needed to illustrate the scribe’s point of view.

In conclusion, this belief implies:

The rulers were Osiris and Isis, husband and wife. Set or Seth, Osiris’ brother, despised him, duped him, killed him, and dismembered him, dispersing body pieces all over Kam-T.

According to legend, these sections were distributed to a number of places. Isis, a good wife, traversed the land collecting all the parts and, in some mysterious way, conceived Horus from her deceased husband’s remnants (apparently she was able to obtain his DNA).

Horus attempted to avenge his father’s death as a child by tracking down his uncle Seth.

Bast, the lion-headed deity, was once thought to be the goddess of cats. The lion goddess is associated with the moon in later ages.

Bair Bast, the soul of Isis, or personification of the soul of Isis, is the meaning of the name. She was the mother of the god Ari-Khes, who resided in the city of Ta-n-temple tarrt’s of the Beast.

Ari-Khes is a lion god who is the son of Bast. At-Ab, Ta-n tarrt, and Zebut are all present, as is Ber in the north. The name derives from the phrase “to terrify with sight.” The wicked eye of Ari-Khes was well-known.

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