Is it feasible that an old and extremely advanced society existed before all other known civilizations? It did occur, and history need a fresh awakening!
This is, without a doubt, one of the most massive schemes ever devised. To grasp all conspiracies relating to this subject, especially the recent ones, you must truly delve deep.
To fully comprehend the complexities of TPTB, you must go back in time and investigate history books, mythology, lost and old civilizations, occultism, and even things pertaining to hidden societies such as masonry or the Illuminati.
You will be able to observe and understand conspiracies from a different perspective once you have gained understanding of them.
They always use the term “mythology” to refer to something that does not fit into the government’s interpretation of history.
Ancient civilizations have left their mark on history. People must open their eyes and seek the ultimate truth for themselves, rather than relying on others to tell them what is and is not real.
With so much evidence to support many of the theories discussed in the video below, and the fact that “mainstream” archaeologists dismiss them without even considering the possibility, it’s clear that something important is being repressed, don’t you think?
Watch the video below and form your own opinion.